KOBAN Project
KOBAN (Japanese: 交番, a small neighbourhood police station found in Japan) builds upon these foundations and will prepare police forces for the future, including the social and demographic changes that will influence daily police work.
Across Europe society is changing due to demographic, technological and economic developments. Communities are getting more diverse, both in real life and online. This challenges Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) to engage with, and to reassure, communities about safety and security matters in a trustful way. The changing status quo is significantly shaping perceptions of policing, requiring adaptive strategies. To address these challenges, the KOBAN project will create an innovative, research and practice-based Community Policing (CP) initiative, adopting an evidenced based approach. It will focus on co-creation and collaborative security between LEA and non-LEA community members, leading to mutual trust and respecting each other’s contributions. This results in a greater sense of security, whilst contributing to an overall increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of securing all communities including those who are often considered hard to reach and engage.
In short, KOBAN will lead a cultural and organisational transformation that address current fundamental barriers to effective community policing. With its Capability Driven Approach, KOBAN is setting the stage for future-proof community policing, both online and in the real world.