KOBAN Objectives
KOBAN’s overall objective is to support community policing by delivering a comprehensive evidence based and capability driven framework based on SSH involvement and modern AI technologies, delivering a better recognition of community diversity, improved interactions with citizens as well as training, methods and solutions for CP stakeholders that:
- Strengthens community resilience towards various types of crimes, including radicalisation, guided by ethical, legal, cultural and social aspects in non-homogenous milieus and with social complexities, by identifying current and future challenges in local communities and describing capabilities needed for an efficient implementation of CP by police and non-police actors.
Increases and creates positive, mutual and respectful digital interactions between civilians and police to increase trust and the ability to enforce the law by delivering innovative and new AI driven, tailor-made digital communication and analyses solutions for effective future-proof community policing.
Equips police and non-LEA community actors with a modern, modular CP training programme to work in non-homogenous local milieus with social complexities, including balancing of majority needs while recognising expectations of minorities and/or vulnerable sub-group.
Are integral part of CP, transferable and widely used by local police actors to increase the usage of the innovative solutions defined.
To identify proven SSH and CP methodologies, models, technologies, tools and best practices as well as current and future oriented proactive, coactive and reactive capabilities for Community Policing.
To deliver adapted co designed and state of the art tools, methods and CP solutions which are tailored to the stakeholders needs and compliant with societal, legal, cultural, ethical and gender aspects.
To foster capacity building, knowledge, skills and abilities that organisations and citizens need to jointly fulfill the CP capabilities responsibly.
To increase the exchange and visibility of KOBAN outcomes widely.
To ensure successful adoption and implementation of the KOBAN validated methodologies and technologies by LEAs and non LEA community actors within and beyond the consortium.