KOBAN (Japanese: 交番, a small neighbourhood police station found in Japan) builds upon these foundations and will prepare police forces for the future, including the social and demographic changes that will influence daily police work.
- The KOBAN approach to CP emphasizes the utilization of small, decentralized police units, problem-oriented working, and high levels of participation from citizens and local partners, all while focusing on a specific theme for the target community.
- KOBAN recognizes reactive, proactive, and co-active approaches to CP, and places particular emphasis on facilitating co-active approaches and solutions to police and community needs, while ensuring local police forces are equipped with the capabilities (knowledge, skills, technologies), they need for effective intelligence gathering and incident response.
- Community policing (CP) is widely used across Europe, but there is no standardized approach, as its implementation varies by time and place. For CP to be effective, it must be adapted to the local area’s specific needs, social and cultural context, and influenced by historical, political, and trust-related factors.
- KOBAN therefore will provide a comprehensive evidence-based capability framework for CP that can be customized by police forces and communities across Europe to fit their specific needs, perspectives, and contexts.
KOBAN Capability-Driven Approach
KOBAN will employ the Capability-Driven Approach (CDA) to achieve its core ambition to “identify future capabilities for community policing”. CDA has been successfully deployed in the defense and space sectors and is widely promoted across the security sector, among others by CERIS23.
CDA focuses on strengthening the forward-looking and early identification/definition of stakeholders’ capability needs and solutions that offer the desired capability.

KOBAN App Factory
KOBAN App Factory empowering LEAs to create, design and deploy customizable tailor-made comprehensive CP mobile apps for citizens with citizens, giving them the opportunity to actively participate in CP and shape community engagement in their locality.
In the App Factory, citizens will have the opportunity to use their existing network channels to engage with LEAs and other relevant stakeholders.